

Spring is around the corner!!

It might be 28 degrees outside but in my mind, Spring is just around the corner! Spring is my absolute favorite time of year! I have many reasons for this...especially at this time in my life more than before. Springtime represents rejuvenation, regrowth, renewal, resurrection and rebirth. That's a lot of "re's" and it's exciting!

The 2 things that I am most excited about are spring chickens and my spring garden. This year I will be making raised beds for my garden. I will also be planting fodder for the chickens and gradually move to all organic feed and therefore have all organic eggs. In my garden I plan on tomatoes, squash, watermelon, a wide variety of herbs, cabbage, kale, pumpkin, etc.

As for spring chickens....this is even more exciting! I am about 1 year into backyard chickens and I am smitten. I am not a "crazy chicken lady" but I sure do love my hobby. I put a lot of hard work into raising these animals and it is very rewarding to see them do so well and to literally eat (eggs) the fruits of my labor. :) With being a stay-at-home Mom these days, I am working to fully embrace the "stay-at-home" part. Especially since I have teenagers. There is just not a whole lot that I have to do during my day at home and having my hobbies makes my daily life feel purposeful. So, with that being said, this is my dream team for 2018 spring chickens:

Delaware Hen 

Ameraucana Hen (lays blue eggs)

Barred Rock Hen

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Hen

Blue Andalusian

Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen

New Hampshire Hen

Partridge Rock Rooster

Partridge Hen

Rhode Island Red Hen

Silver laced Wyandotte Hen

Welsummer Hen

 I am also planning on adding ducks to the "homestead" this year. I am not 100% sure about the breed yet, but I'm sure you are all waiting on pins and needles. :) Until then, happy planting, feeding, and stay warm!

by His grace,