

First Deer of the Season

This weekend was muzzle loader weekend. Beard finally broke his 2 year streak! He killed his 1st deer in 2 years. However, in his defense, I will say that the only reason that he has not killed a deer in 2 years is because he let D {our son} kill a deer 2 years ago, then he let me kill one last year. So this was his year. Now before I show you the picture, I have to say that this doe looked a lot bigger from where we were sitting. :)

Isn't she cute?! I know, poor thing, she's tiny. BUT, she is proving us with MUCH needed meat when we are struggling financially. So, we are 100% okay with this deer. Thank you Lord! 

The rest of the weekend was pretty lazy too. We just hung out and watched football, but we don't want to talk about the Razorbacks! :)

Hope y'all had a great weekend! 
By His Grace


Happy Anniversary: 4 Years!

We can't believe it's been 4 years. We are embarking on our 5th year of marriage. That just sounds weird. Time has just flown by! Of course the last four years have been quite busy for us, but it just didn't seem like that much time had passed.

Last night when we were going to bed, I asked the Beard what his favorite memory of the last year was. Just the two of us. It was a good memory! And like most good memories, I capture them on get the picture.

It was my first buck, first deer, and first deer of the season. Muzzel loading weekend. I had never shot a muzzel loader before in my life and didn't know what was going to happen when I shot it. All I knew was that if a deer walked by, I was going to shoot it. I have NEVER seen my husband so excited in my entire life! After I shot that damn deer it took off running! We had to track the damn thing for nearly 2 hours but my sweet husband was so excited he could hardly stand it! He was so proud of me and so excited for me! It was a great experience to have; just the two of us. 

One of my favorite memories from the last year of marriage was Thanksgiving holiday 2013. We were on our own that holiday weekend so we decided to take a couple's trip {with our neighbors} to the LSU/U of A football game in Baton Rouge. However, before we left, Beard and I had to cook our own little Redneck Thanksgiving. Fried Turkey, some veggies, and something with pumpkin in it. We were half drunk by noon and had a blast! The weekend was amazing, the game was awesome, and I got to spend the whole time with my best friend & husband! 

It was so hard to just pick one event or one thing that was my favorite from the past year. It's amazing to me how easily I can tell you all the bad things that have happened to me or to our family over the last year, but it's hard to recall all the good things the Lord has blessed us with. As I look back through pictures I see the Lord's peace and blessings all around our family. I hope and pray that this next year and the many years to come that the Lord will open our eyes to all the many blessings and that next year we won't have to try so hard to remember what those are! 

By HIS Grace alone and always!


Saturday Adventure

Saturday we took the kids to Lake Catherine. Tim and I have taken the dogs there before, but we haven't taken the kids with us so this was their 1st time. Unfortunately we haven't had a lot of rain lately so the waterfall was not raging, but we still had a good time.

We took Delta and Silver with us, but left the other 2 at home. Maya can't really do the hiking anymore and we don't trust Titus off leash anymore. :( But these two had a blast!!

And of course, Delta had to jump into every single puddle of water she found! :)

Don't they look so cute! And just thrilled to be taking a picture while in workout clothes. 

I'm pretty sure this was Drake's favorite place in the world! 

We had a few breaks along the way.....and couple photo ops!  

Finally hit the water! But like I said, we didn't happen upon the raging waterfall that we found last year. But fun was still had! 

By His Grace!


Who Names You - Your God or Yourself?


I've known about the blog/devotional study site called SheReadsTruth for about 2 years now. I found it through a great friend P (thank you, P). I have loved going through various devotionals online via my phone, my iPad, etc. over the last couple years. The most recent one that I have been a part of is a study on the book of Ruth. This one has really hit home with me in my present circumstances.  

  "Is there a discrepancy between the names by which Jesus calls you and the names you give yourself? Are there circumstances in your life to which you are giving undue power, power that rightfully—and in reality!—belongs to our sovereign God alone? Sister, who names you today—your God or your circumstances?"   

This definitely a discrepancy between the names by which I call myself and the the name by which my Savior has given me. And why is that? Sin, of course. But why is it so hard to believe that God sees us as righteous, He sees us as His sons and daughters? He loves and cherishes us just as He does His own Son, Christ Jesus. How amazing is that?! And oh often I do not remember that or acting according to that fact!! I act as if I am still a slave to sin. I wonder how different I would treat myself and others if I acted/believed the Truth of the Gospel and lived it out everyday of my life?! That's my prayer for today, that the Gospel would be fleshed out in my life everyday. That Christ would use me to be a testimony to myself and to others. 

By His Grace alone!



The Beard and I have known for a while that we might have to go back to court at some point to defend ourselves for the kid's sake. Well it appears that the time is on the horizon and closing in fast. Way too fast for my liking.
I received an email today from our lawyer stating that some court dates have been proposed for July. One of them as soon as 2 weeks away. My heart hasn't slowed down yet, and my hands are still shaking. I do not fear the truth. I fear that the truth will not be heard. It is so hard for me to relax and trust in the Lord God Almighty. But that's exactly what I'm called to do. I must loosen my grip!! My grip and my need to control things has NO bearing on the outcome of the situation anyway! :) Isn't that the glorious part?! I can't screw it up. He already knows the outcome. And it doesn't matter what the other side has to say, whether they are full of lies and deceit, their words have no bearing on the outcome either. It's the truth of my Lord that will set us free!


Being a Step-Mom -- Often a Step-Monster

I haven't talked much about my role as a stepmother and I haven't talked too terribly much about our situation since the kids came to live with us in September 2013, but I have decided that I am ready to talk about it. So, from time to time you might see updates such as this one. Just little glimpses into the crazy world of being a Step-Mom and most often a Step-Monster (of course not on purpose).

This job/role that I have been given is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. My life as a stepmother is very lonely at times, it is draining, and never rewarding.

The last 9 Months of my life have been a roller coaster. There have been times when all 5 of us are happy and having a good time. Then there are times when every single kid is in trouble for one reason or another.
But something I have to remember is that these kids have a Mom and a Dad. It is THEIR ultimate responsibility to make sure their children grow up and survive spiritually, socially, mentally, emotionally, physically, etc and become a productive member of society.

So then, I ask myself, what is my job as a Step-Mom? I have become a parent, not a Mom. I have these kids in my home the majority of the year. How do I continue to be me and assist my husband in parenting these 3 kids that don't want to be here? The only 3 words that come to mind are God's GRACE, MERCY & PATIENCE. I confess that I have done a horrible job of displaying His Grace, His Mercy, and His Patience. However, I will continue to repent and pray for Grace, Mercy, and Patience.

I have learned that I must lead by example. I cannot make these 3 kids respect me or even care about me. I can't make anyone do anything. But I can, by my character, influence them to be more accepting and/or respectful.
I have also learned that a large part of being a Stepmother is very lonely. There are so many personal struggles that are dealt with on your own. Between me and God. And that is hard. Swallowing your pride and admitting to yourself that you are not in control. That you cannot change people. That not only can you not change people but you have to accept those things you can't change! I'm still working on that one. Hopefully this summer, with a break from the kids, will give me time to reflect and change what I can with God's help!

"Lord, what I need is your strength and a new attitude. You say that you will take my hard heart and make it into one that's soft and loving. And you say you will put your spirit inside of me to provide wisdom and truth. I desperately long for your guidance -- your ways. Help me to discern when it's wise and right for me to speak up and when to keep silent. Give my husband eyes and a heart to see and understand the situation clearly. Teach him how to stand beside me and still love his kids. 
Thank you for loving me, even when I feel all alone."
~ Ron L. Deal & Laura Petherbridge
"The Smart Stepmom"

by His Grace,


Major Update Needed

Yes, that's right, I haven't written since CHRISTMAS! Things have been a little crazy around here. Therefore, a major update is needed. I will not bore you with gross detail on every little thing that has been going on around the Harper household, but some highlights are definitely necessary.

I honestly can't remember everything that has happened since Christmas in chronological order, but I'll do my best. The last several months have been pretty darn tough. Not going to lie. But there have been some fun times in there too.

The New Year started off with a bang. The kids got to spend a week with their Mother, Tim and I got to have a vacation. We spent some time with family in Oklahoma. The only downside was that I got sick as can be. :(  I still got out and about and had a great time with everyone. It was a very much need respite!