

Saturday Adventure

Saturday we took the kids to Lake Catherine. Tim and I have taken the dogs there before, but we haven't taken the kids with us so this was their 1st time. Unfortunately we haven't had a lot of rain lately so the waterfall was not raging, but we still had a good time.

We took Delta and Silver with us, but left the other 2 at home. Maya can't really do the hiking anymore and we don't trust Titus off leash anymore. :( But these two had a blast!!

And of course, Delta had to jump into every single puddle of water she found! :)

Don't they look so cute! And just thrilled to be taking a picture while in workout clothes. 

I'm pretty sure this was Drake's favorite place in the world! 

We had a few breaks along the way.....and couple photo ops!  

Finally hit the water! But like I said, we didn't happen upon the raging waterfall that we found last year. But fun was still had! 

By His Grace!


Who Names You - Your God or Yourself?


I've known about the blog/devotional study site called SheReadsTruth for about 2 years now. I found it through a great friend P (thank you, P). I have loved going through various devotionals online via my phone, my iPad, etc. over the last couple years. The most recent one that I have been a part of is a study on the book of Ruth. This one has really hit home with me in my present circumstances.  

  "Is there a discrepancy between the names by which Jesus calls you and the names you give yourself? Are there circumstances in your life to which you are giving undue power, power that rightfully—and in reality!—belongs to our sovereign God alone? Sister, who names you today—your God or your circumstances?"   

This definitely a discrepancy between the names by which I call myself and the the name by which my Savior has given me. And why is that? Sin, of course. But why is it so hard to believe that God sees us as righteous, He sees us as His sons and daughters? He loves and cherishes us just as He does His own Son, Christ Jesus. How amazing is that?! And oh often I do not remember that or acting according to that fact!! I act as if I am still a slave to sin. I wonder how different I would treat myself and others if I acted/believed the Truth of the Gospel and lived it out everyday of my life?! That's my prayer for today, that the Gospel would be fleshed out in my life everyday. That Christ would use me to be a testimony to myself and to others. 

By His Grace alone!